Contact Information
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi
Affiliation No-830097
B. H. Road,
Tiptur-572 201.
Karnataka State, INDIA
Phone :
Principal :- 09008647062
Office :- 08134-253504 |
New academic year 2024-25
The new academic year 2024-25
commenced for the teachers on May
20th 2024. Inauguration took place
and Sri M R Sangamesh, The
Secretary, KVS, Sri Bagepalli
Nataraj, TheVice–President, KVS and
Sri B S Umesh, The Vice–President,
KVS graced the occasion. The
invocation was done by the teaching
staff. Smt. Devika B Swamy, the
Principal, KCS read out the Code of
Conduct and also the rules and
regulations mentioned in the
teachers' manual.
