Contact Information
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi
Affiliation No-830097
B. H. Road,
Tiptur-572 201.
Karnataka State, INDIA
Phone :
Principal :- 09008647062
Office :- 08134-253504 |
World Environment Day Celebration
World Environment Day was celebrated
on 4th June 2024. Sri Madhu, RFO,
Tiptur was the Chief Guest of the
day. Sri M R Sangamesh, The
Secretary, KVS, Vice-Presidents, KVS,
Sri Bagepalli Nataraj and Sri B S
Umesh, along with the Principal Smt.
Devika B Swamy were present on the
occasion. The dignitaries planted
saplings. On the same day, Grade 10
students were taken on a Study tour
to Aralaguppe, Chaudlapura Reserve
Forest to plant the saplings.
Scouts, who had achieved in the
Rajyapuraskar Exam were honoured by
the dignitaries.
